Tierra Grata

Costa Caribe / Costa Pacifica

$1,590 USD

Tierra Grata used FOC grant funds to install ecologically friendly, solar-powered lights in rural communities on the Northern Colombian Coast. These lights, which are placed in public spaces chosen by the communities, increase available safe spaces for evening activities. One of the dreams of Tierra Grata is to work with Colombian communities on the Pacific Coast where they know there are many socio economic challenges.  Up until now Tierra Grata has exclusively worked on the northern coast of Colombia.  

This is a special year for Tierra Grata because they completed their 100th project!  Even though this is mostly significant to them internally, they would like to share it because it is a special accomplishment. Finally, after a number of efforts and struggles to get connected, they installed 30 solar lights in Timbiquí, Valle del Cauca on the Pacific coast of Colombia!